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Terminology and Components

VirnetX One Mobile and Desktop Client

Lightweight application that runs on users’ laptops and mobile devices creating secure, zero trust network access (ZTNA), while delivering a seamless user experience. Ensures that access policies are enforced across all devices regardless of the location or network.

VirnetX One Mobile or Desktop Client or VirnetX One Client is required to be installed on all devices the user needs to securely connect to an Enterprise resource.

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10 or later
  • macOS 10.15 or later
  • iOS 14.3 or later
  • Android 9 or later

VirnetX One Matrix Server

Matrix Servers are lightweight virtual machines that sit in-front of private resources or software can be installed on the resource itself. The Matrix Server secures resource connections from authorized users, based on policy, while removing public exposure from the resource on the Internet.

The Matrix Server removes the threat surface and enables Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) to the Enterprise resource. Matrix Servers are required to be installed in front of all Enterprise resources that need protection and behind the firewall. The firewall can then be configured to close all inbound ports eliminating public access to the application.

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 

VirnetX One Cloud Infrastructure

Manages and brokers secure, peer-to-peer connections between a user’s device and the Enterprise resource. Provides APIs for registration, management, and administration.

Supported Regions:

  • United States
  • Tokyo

VirnetX One Dashboard

The VirnetX One Dashboard found on the VirnetX One Mobile and Desktop client allows users one-click secure access to applications from their device. Provides real-time connection information and application accessibility information based on security policy.

VirnetX One Administrator Console

Cloud-based administrative view of your network including visibility into applications, users, and devices. The capabilities of the administrator console are controlled by the specific product licenses for your organization.

Device – A system that is associated and controlled by a unique user such as a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. The device could be the property of the Enterprise, virtual or bring your own device (BYOD) owned by the user. With a device, actions are being performed by or on-behalf of the user.

Domain Name System (DNS) – Resolves domain names like “google.com” into an Internet Protocol (IP) address, such as, that is necessary to communicate with the device on the Internet. We refer to this as the “public DNS” or “traditional DNS” since resolutions are available to anyone on the Internet.

Organization – An organization is a single tenant on the VirnetX One platform. An Enterprise can have a single organization or create multiple organizations in one region or different regions depending upon how they want to manage their data and control security policy.

Resource – A resource consists of data, systems, applications, services, and compute infrastructure.

Secure Domain – Dynamic virtual networks that can be deployed and adapted to enable secure, peer-to-peer networks to be created between systems and resources regardless of their physical location or network environment. Secure Domains, such as virnetx.scom, are unique, can only be registered with VirnetX and built on our patented technology.

Secure Domain Name (SDN) – Unique hostname identifier, such as device.user.domain.scom, that identifies systems and resources within a Secure Domain. Using the Secure Domain Name System (SDNS), the SDN resolves to a private Internet Protocol (IP) address to enable communications. The SDN resolution is only available to authorized devices, is not publicly accessible and only offered by VirnetX.

Secure Domain Name System (SDNS) – Resolves Secure Domain Names (SDNs), such as app.virnetx.scom, into a private Internet Protocol (IP) address, such as, that is necessary to communicate with the device on the Internet.

Secure Top-Level Domain (STLD) – The SDNS root name or last segment of a domain that immediately follows the “dot” symbol. Only available for registration from VirnetX, popular TLDs offered by VirnetX include.scom, .sorg or .sgov.

Subject – Consists of end users, applications, machines, and other non-human entities that request information from resources.

System – A system is a physical or virtual device that could be a phone, tablet, laptop, server, virtual machine (VM), virtual desktop (VDI) or Internet of Things (IoT) device. A system has an operating system capable of network communications and application execution.

Top-Level Domain (TLD) – The DNS root name or last segment of a domain that immediately follows the “dot” symbol. Popular TLDs include .com, .org or .net.

User – A user is a human employee, contractor, customer, or partner that needs access to resources. Each user is identified and managed by a unique email address within an organization.