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Budgeting for Security: Maximizing Your Budget in a Rising Threat Landscape Blog

Budgeting for Security: Maximizing Your Budget in a Rising Threat Landscape

Once upon a time, cybersecurity budgets were an afterthought, something to consider after the rest of the budgetary areas were buttoned up. But no more. With cybersecurity attacks increasing, more and more companies and organizations are making cybersecurity budgets a top priority and a business imperative. Recent states seem to…
November 18, 2022
Black women looking at phone
Cybersecurity Awareness Month: A Time to Fine Tune Your Online Security Blog

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: A Time to Fine Tune Your Online Security

It’s hard to believe but National Cybersecurity Awareness Month is nearly 20 years old.   Started in 2004, and celebrated every October, Cybersecurity Awareness Month was developed through a partnership between the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, a division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the National Cyber Security…
September 27, 2022