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VirnetX Holding Corporation Closes $12 Million Underwritten Public Offering Press Releases

VirnetX Holding Corporation Closes $12 Million Underwritten Public Offering

Scotts Valley, CA--January 3, 2008-- VirnetX Holding Corporation, (Amex VHC) announced that it completed its secondary offering of three million common shares at $4.00 per share on December 31, 2007. The proceeds totaled $12,466,136 which was after offering expenses but included the underwriter's allotment to purchase an additional 450,000 shares.…
January 3, 2008
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VirnetX Holding Corporation Closes $12 Million Underwritten Public Offering Press Releases

VirnetX Holding Corporation Closes $12 Million Underwritten Public Offering

Scotts Valley, CA--January 3, 2008-- VirnetX Holding Corporation, (Amex VHC) announced that it completed its secondary offering of three million common shares at $4.00 per share on December 31, 2007. The proceeds totaled $12,466,136 which was after offering expenses but included the underwriter's allotment to purchase an additional 450,000 shares.…
January 3, 2008